Impacts of WWI


Mind Map on Impacts of WWI, created by patti.summers on 20/04/2014.
Mind Map by patti.summers, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by patti.summers over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Impacts of WWI
  1. Political
    1. Ger. Loses Territory
      1. Alsace-Lorraine to FR
        1. Land to Poland
          1. Land to Denmark
            1. Saarland: FR & BR for 15 years
            2. Ger. Rev. of 1918-1919
              1. Weimar Republic Created
              2. Austro-Hungarian Empire Dissolves
                1. Poland
                  1. Yugoslavia
                    1. Czechoslovakia
                      1. Hungary
                        1. Austria
                        2. Ottoman Empire Dissolves
                          1. Rep. of Turkey
                            1. Syria: FR Protectorate
                              1. Palestine: BR Protectorate
                              2. Russian Empire Dissolved in Rev. of 1917
                                1. Vladimir Lenin
                                  1. Finland
                                    1. Estonia
                                      1. Latvia
                                        1. Lithuania
                                        2. Worldwide change
                                          1. Territorial concessions
                                            1. Mandates
                                              1. Independence movements
                                                1. US Emerges as the superpower & "Savior of Europe"
                                              2. Social
                                                1. Rise of Progressivism
                                                  1. Decline of aristocracy
                                                    1. Increase in opportunity for lower/middle classes
                                                    2. Rise of Feminism
                                                      1. Technological Advances
                                                        1. transportation
                                                          1. mechanical
                                                            1. communications
                                                              1. medicine
                                                              2. Literary movements
                                                                1. war memoirs
                                                                  1. existential abstractions
                                                                    1. Hemingway
                                                                    2. Modernism
                                                                      1. Optimism
                                                                        1. faith in progress/technology
                                                                          1. democracy/liberalization
                                                                        2. Economic
                                                                          1. Economic boom in US
                                                                            1. increased industrial production
                                                                            2. Reparations & devastated infrastructure lead to Economic depression in Ger
                                                                              1. hyperinflation
                                                                                1. devaluation of the reichsmark
                                                                                  1. Post 1929: Depression again
                                                                                  2. Rapid recovery in FR & UK
                                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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