Behaviourist approach


Approaches to psychology
JasmineXD Jasmine
Mind Map by JasmineXD Jasmine, updated more than 1 year ago
JasmineXD Jasmine
Created by JasmineXD Jasmine almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Behaviourist approach
  1. Classical conditioning
    1. Pavlov's dog
    2. Operant conditioning
      1. Skinner's rat
        1. Negative reinforcement
          1. Positive reinforcement
            1. Punishment
            2. Evaluation
              1. CC explanations
                1. Strengths
                  1. Effective phobia treatment: Systematic desensitisation
                  2. Limitations
                    1. CS and UCS is difficult to establish, unlike survival skills
                  3. OC explanations
                    1. Strengths
                      1. Able to establish cause and effect
                        1. reliance on experimental method
                          1. Controlled conditions
                            1. Manipulating IV to accurately measure DV
                      2. Limitations
                        1. Animals studies
                          1. Cannot be generalised to more complex human behaviour
                            1. Free will of determining reinforcement behaviours
                              1. Skinner argued that free will is merely an illusion
                                1. Free will is only the production of external influences that guid our daily behaviours
                        2. Limited perspective on behaviour
                          1. Ignoring other influencing factors
                            1. e.g. cognitive, emotional
                              1. treating humans beings as a consequence of conditioning alone
                              2. Skinner argued complex human behaviour can be understood by studying the reinforcement history of the individual
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