

Mind Map on Approaches, created by Rose nungarii on 18/10/2017.
Rose nungarii
Mind Map by Rose nungarii, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Rose nungarii
Created by Rose nungarii about 7 years ago
Rose nungarii
Copied by Rose nungarii about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. introduction to approaches
    1. Wundt - a German physician/ psychologist who establi8shed the first psychology lab in 1975 and founded the Institute of Experimental Psychology in 1979
      1. introspection- act of examining your own thoughts and feelings. Wundt trained his researchers to self examine but the results were not comparable and reliable because the researchers were bias and produced results they thought were useful in the experiment(subjective)
      2. is psychology a science?
        1. involves scientific methods to measure behavior to a certain extent. Psychology is part of Biology(brain) and it uses scientific data and hypothesis
          1. includes things that cannot be proven and measured. Some psychologists do not use Scientific methods. Different approaches and theories. Media portrays it as a oft subject
          2. Behaviourist
            1. classical- responses are associated with stimulus
              1. Pavlov used the salivation experiment in dogs. He paired the bell with food
                1. unconditioned stimulus: food, Unconditioned response: salivation, Conditioned stimulus(neutral stimulus that produces new response):bell, conditioned response:salivation
                2. animals learn in the same way as humans. Behavior is learnt from the environment. We are born in a blank slate and behavior is not influenced by genes
                3. operant-behavior is learnt from consequences
                  1. behavior is learnt from either positive reinforcement- where a reward is given In order to strengthen a behavior
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