Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull


A level Geography Mind Map on Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull, created by Jack Hazzard on 06/03/2017.
Jack Hazzard
Mind Map by Jack Hazzard, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Hazzard
Created by Jack Hazzard about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull
  1. Causes
    1. Clusters of 300 Earthquakes around the volcano (1 on richter)
      1. 19th March 2010 there were larger earthquakes
        1. 20th March 2010 it erupted (11:30 PM)
          1. Fissure under glacier at 0.5Km long
            1. Glacier+Magma=Explosion
              1. Lots of gas (Andosite Magma)
                1. 700 Tonnes of ash per second
              2. N.American and Eurasian Plates
              3. Impacts of the Eruption
                1. Primary
                  1. 5 mile high ash cloud
                    1. 670MPH (Almost the speed of sound)
                      1. Gas expands and ash goes into the stratosphere
                      2. 800 people evacuated
                        1. 42,000 gallons of water every second went down the volcano
                        2. Secondary
                          1. Airline flights cancelled
                            1. Changed the topography of the mountains
                              1. 3 people missing, then found dead
                                1. Iceland was buried in ash
                              2. Responses to the Eruption
                                1. Short Term
                                  1. Scientists and researchers are assembled
                                    1. Coastguard flew over the scene
                                    2. Long Term
                                      1. 13th of April they are still monitoring it
                                        1. 10 Mile no fly zone up to 20,000 ft
                                      2. Management/Future Predictions
                                        1. Satellite images
                                          1. ICPA
                                            1. Icelandic Civil Protection Authority
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