Pressure Groups #2


Govt&Pol Unit1 Mind Map on Pressure Groups #2, created by bennevin26 on 09/05/2013.
Mind Map by bennevin26, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bennevin26 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Pressure Groups #2
  1. How do pressure groups help democracy?
    1. They widen participation and are attractive to women and young people
      1. They promote debate and raise public awareness of a range of issues e.g. Human rights and the environment
        1. Make government aware of public opinion between elections
          1. Allows for groups/causes to get noticed when they wouldn't have otherwise
          2. How do pressure groups hinder democracy?
            1. Self interested groups bypass public debate and use financial muscle to get what they want, e.g. F1
              1. Unelected groups have no right to influence a democratically elected government
                1. Well organized groups can get their way even if a public opinion is against them.
                  1. Pressure group influence isn't level
                  2. Is PG influence increasing? - YES
                    1. Women and young people are attracted to these rather than parties
                      1. PG membership is increasing and voter turnout is decreasing (51% in 2001)
                        1. Can be argued that in a global economy, large businesses have more power than parties
                          1. PG focus on issues which appeals to the public whereas parties don't
                          2. Is PG influence increasing? - NO
                            1. Most PG campaigns fail
                              1. PG's often have to work through parties
                                1. Only parties can form government and form an opposition which can offer electoral choice
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