47. Danger, Food, Sex, Movement, Faces, and Stories get the most attention


Mind Map on 47. Danger, Food, Sex, Movement, Faces, and Stories get the most attention, created by Lorena Munoz on 09/03/2017.
Lorena Munoz
Mind Map by Lorena Munoz, updated more than 1 year ago
Lorena Munoz
Created by Lorena Munoz over 7 years ago

Resource summary

47. Danger, Food, Sex, Movement, Faces, and Stories get the most attention
  1. You have 3 brains
    1. new Brain
      1. conscience, reasoning, logical
      2. mid brain
        1. processes emotions
        2. old brain
          1. interested in your survival, develop first, also known as reptilian brain
            1. answer the questions can I eat it? can I have sex with it? would it kill me?
              1. it can't resist to look at food
          2. Use images of close-up faces
            1. use stories as much as you can even for factual information
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