21. People have to use information to make it stick


Mind Map on 21. People have to use information to make it stick, created by Jacob Sobie on 10/03/2017.
Jacob Sobie
Mind Map by Jacob Sobie, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob Sobie
Created by Jacob Sobie about 8 years ago

Resource summary

21. People have to use information to make it stick
  1. Remember by repeating
    1. Each time you repeat something, more neurons fire off in your brain and make more connections, leading to long term memory.
      1. Repeat things that you want people to remember.
      2. Remember by connecting that information with information you already know.
        1. people use schemata to remember things.
          1. Schemata is a group of things that are related. Like the head is made up of eyes, nose, ears, mouth, ect. so the head is a schema for all those parts.
            1. Chunking information into a group will make it easier to remember.
              1. Realizing other peoples schemata can make it easier to inform people and make them remember things.. You should look for the target audience's schemata when doing your research.
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