Haiti Earthquake, 2010


AS level Geography Mind Map on Haiti Earthquake, 2010, created by Lauren Bradford on 10/03/2017.
Lauren Bradford
Mind Map by Lauren Bradford, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Bradford
Created by Lauren Bradford over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Haiti Earthquake, 2010
  1. Nature of event
    1. GNI of $660 pp p.a
      1. poorest country in northern hemisphere
      2. 12th Jan 2010
        1. 7 Richter Scale
          1. Marcalli Scale level 9 - 'ruinous'
          2. Epicentre 15 miles from Port au Prince
            1. Shallow focus - 13km deep
              1. 52 aftershocks of Richter 4.5 or more
              2. Cause
                1. Movement in conservative strike - slip fault line
                  1. between Caribbean and North American plate
                  2. Movement also in Enriquillo - Plantain Garden fault system
                    1. Land movement 1.8 metres
                  3. Vulnerability
                    1. 70% live on less than $2 a day
                      1. Not recovered from 2008 hurricanes
                        1. Many public services run by UN and aid charities
                          1. 86% in Port au Prince in slum conditions
                            1. Prof. Paul Mann, 2008 - wrote a report warning of an earthquake
                              1. Poor building codes and governance
                              2. Impacts
                                1. Social
                                  1. Primary
                                    1. Killed over 200,000
                                      1. 25% of Haiti's civil servants
                                        1. 100 UN personnel
                                        2. 4000 escaped Prison Civile
                                          1. 70% buildings collapsed
                                            1. 8 hospitals
                                            2. 1.5 million homeless
                                            3. Secondary
                                              1. 6,900, as of Nov 2011, died from cholera
                                                1. 4,000 amputees unable to live normally
                                                  1. Sexual attacks within camps due to lack of security
                                                    1. 1.6 million in camps in July, fell to 1 million in Sept
                                                  2. Environmenal
                                                    1. Primary
                                                      1. Destroyed 60% of Port au Prince
                                                        1. Farmland submerged
                                                          1. North uplifted, South subsided
                                                          2. Secondary
                                                            1. Untreated contaminated water = cholera endemic. First case in Oct 2010
                                                              1. More than 500,000 cases
                                                        2. Response
                                                          1. world bank funded supplementary food for 200,000 children aged 6 - 23 months
                                                            1. dr rossetto - monitired destruction, advised field members on where to go
                                                              1. aid only 72% of what is required
                                                                1. 95% children in quake zone back in school jan 2011
                                                                  1. Haiti's Plan of Action for Recovery and Development - remove cirrpuotion, become independent of aid
                                                                  Show full summary Hide full summary


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