

A level Media Studies Mind Map on Evaluation, created by Jamie Friend on 16/03/2017.
Jamie Friend
Mind Map by Jamie Friend, updated more than 1 year ago
Jamie Friend
Created by Jamie Friend over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Web 2.0 Tools
    1. My knowledge and use of Web 2.0 tools has expanded massively through the journey from my foundation to my advanced portfolio. Through experience and further research i have gathered various new Web 2.0 tools that I previously never new. A long with my improved knowledge and improved use of technology it has overall helped to improve the quality of my advanced portfolio. From this now I am able to adapt this furthermore into a large proportion of my blog post especially the ones with large amounts of block text, ex textual analysis. From this it keeps interest and further engagement on my blog.
    2. Production Diary's
      1. Since my foundation portfolio these has been a clear increase in the amount of production diary's in which I produce. The reason for this is because I have a better understanding of what is required from the target audience. In this portfolio the production diary's almost act as milestones of what I have achieved so i can clearly review what I have done, and what I need to change/improve. As the production diary's build up we can clearly identify how the construction, research and planning of our music video has progressed overtime into the finalised product.
      2. Textual Analysis
        1. Textual analysis is a effect research method that requires great analysis depth into the contents, codes and conventions of the media. By comparing and contrasting these forms of media it has allowed me to gather information in which is needed. Furthermore we have been able to detect if we like certain codes and conventions, but if they would be have a positive effect on our production. From this we can decided if we want to conform or go against the stereotypes that are associate with the 'Pop' genre.
        2. Focus Groups
          1. The focus group is a group of people assembled to participate in a discussion about a product before it is finalised or goes live. Through focus groups it helps to generate new ideas or things for improvement from the target audience themselves. From this we either develop ideas which have been suggested to us, combine ideas together, use ideas or give them a miss. In relation to using the target audience's idea's in some form makes the audience feel satisfied and in most cases enhances further success.
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