Advantages of final cut pro


A level Media Studies Mind Map on Advantages of final cut pro, created by Jemma Ward on 17/03/2017.
Jemma  Ward
Mind Map by Jemma Ward, updated more than 1 year ago
Jemma  Ward
Created by Jemma Ward over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Advantages of final cut pro
  1. There is professional light and colour correction tools, this is good because in some cases the natural light isn't the best for filming.
    1. It allows you to change specific colours and tones to give you the effect in which you wanted.
    2. Its also good for creating high quality videos with surround sound, it allows you to work with multiple channels of audio and mix them together however you would like to create the best product possible.
      1. It also allows you to layer videos which means you can p0lay several video frames on top of each other for a blended/faded effect. There isn't really a limit to the number of videos you can over lap which means you can get the best effect possible. You can stack the videos on top of each other or create a picture-in-picture effect.
        1. Importing HD videos into the editor is easy, you can import them straight from your camera, using airdrop.
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