Ari is placed in the most intensive RtI Tier 2 reading group
Ari responds: measurably improves in 6 weeks' time
Ari does not respond/improve after 6 weeks of intervention
as RtI team member, you bring Ari's work samples
and assessment results to site SST coordinator
SST Best Practices
SST meeting is scheduled
Team members will be:
What will you do at and bring to the meeting?
What might be the next steps?
You give a written request for special education eligibility
testing to your school psychologist
for private school students, the letter
is sent to the child's district of
Ari's parents sign to permit assessment
Ari is assessed by several professionals
IEP team meets to review findings
IEP team members may include:
What is your role at this meeting?
Findings reveal that Ari has a significant discrepancy
between his overall intellectual ability and his word
reading + reading comprehension
IEP team agrees Ari has a specific learning disability (SLD)
and is therefore eligible for special education services and
an IEP per federal guidelines
Team determines FAPE details for Ari: Services: daily pull-out reading
instruction with resource specialist/specialized academic instruction
What are your responsibilities for Arii?
According to assessment data, and federal
guidelines, Ari does NOT meet strict eligibility
guidelines; he will not have an IEP,
IEP team suggests that school officials consider a 504
plan since Ari's difficulty with reading point to a mild
processing issue as suggested by RtI2 results