4 Circle Critical Thinking Model: Addressing Mr. P safety


Ayushri Trivedi
Mind Map by Ayushri Trivedi, updated more than 1 year ago
Ayushri Trivedi
Created by Ayushri Trivedi almost 8 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

4 Circle Critical Thinking Model: Addressing Mr. P safety
  1. interpersonal and self Managment Skills
    1. communication with the Pysician using the ISBAR MODEL
    2. critical thinking Characteristics
      1. Active questioning regarding Mr. Patience
        1. "how would underlying disease of delirium affect clients safety?"
          1. "if client is frial, living independently, and history of delirium, what is Mr. P at risk for?"
          2. Gathering information regrading clients history
          3. Intellectual skills and Competencies
            1. Assessing systmatically
              1. Assessing Mr. P's Level of consciouness
                1. Hx of delirium
                  1. Overall apperance
                  2. Diagnose:
                    1. decreased LOC, client is at risk for falls
                    2. evlauate
                      1. Evaluated performace using LCJR scale
                        1. score of 34
                      2. Implement
                        1. ISBAR to advocate for clients home care
                        2. Plan
                          1. Lower bed
                            1. put up side rails
                              1. Place call bell within reach
                            2. Techinical Skills/ Competnecies
                              1. evaluation of self using LCJR scale
                                1. Implementing plan of care
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