PE - Diet


A Levels pe Mind Map on PE - Diet, created by Safiya Caesar on 11/05/2013.
Safiya Caesar
Mind Map by Safiya Caesar, updated more than 1 year ago
Safiya Caesar
Created by Safiya Caesar over 11 years ago

Resource summary

PE - Diet
  1. Carbohydrates
    1. Carbohydrate loading
      1. A special diet to provide a slow release of energy during a long distance event and improve performance
        1. Tricks the body into storing extra glycogen in the liver & muscles
          1. 7 days before event : energy stores depleted as training intensity peaks
            1. 6-4 days : Stick to low carb, high protein diet keeping glycogen stores low
              1. 3-1 days : swap to carb rich diet to build up glycogen stores again
                1. Night before : Often a large carb rich meal (Pasta Party)
          2. The main source of energy
            1. Simple Carbohydrates
              1. Sugars and glucose
                1. A lot of energy for immediate use
                2. Complex Carbohydrates
                  1. Provide a slow release of energy - important because of high levels of energy needed
                    1. 60% of Sarah's diet
                  2. Proteins
                    1. Needed to build muscles and repair tissue after training sessions
                      1. Also a source of energy
                      2. Fats
                        1. Unsaturated fats needed for energy
                          1. A source of stored energy
                            1. She will need some
                              1. only used when stores of carbs are low
                              2. May lead to weight gain
                                1. Would inhibit her performance
                                2. cholesterol => heart disease
                                3. Vitamins
                                  1. Help the body function normally
                                    1. Maintenance of good general health and well-being
                                    2. Minerals
                                      1. Maintain her health and well- being
                                        1. Iron helps release energy from food
                                          1. Calcium helps Sarah's bones grow strong and healthy
                                            1. Iron also helps red blood cell production - useful to Sarah
                                            2. Fibre
                                              1. Helps the digestive system
                                                1. Prevents constipation
                                                2. Can help with weight control
                                                  1. Important that Sarah maintains the correct body weight
                                                3. Water
                                                  1. Essential to prevent dehydration
                                                    1. Regulates body temp
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