Ahmad Cannot Run


Mind Map on Ahmad Cannot Run, created by Salma Mk on 21/04/2017.
Salma Mk
Mind Map by Salma Mk, updated more than 1 year ago
Salma Mk
Created by Salma Mk over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Ahmad Cannot Run
  1. Anatomy of Foot & Ankle
    1. Ankle Joint
      1. ligaments
        1. medial
          1. lateral
          2. blood supply
            1. nerve supply
            2. muscles of the sole of the foot
              1. 4 layers
              2. arches of the foot
              3. Possible Causes of Muscle Weakness
                1. infection
                  1. poliomyelitis
                    1. lyme disease
                    2. neurological
                      1. Guillain Barre Syndrome
                      2. Medications
                        1. Statin
                          1. Amiodarone
                          2. Electrolyte
                            1. Hyperkalemia
                            2. Metabolic
                              1. Acid Maltase deficiency
                              2. Genetic
                                1. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
                                  1. Muscular Dystrophies: are inherited disorders which primarily but not exclusively affect the skeletal muscles
                                    1. Clinical Characteristics
                                      1. progressive weakness
                                        1. intellectual impairment
                                          1. pseudo hypertrophy of the calves
                                            1. proliferation of connective tissue in muscle
                                            2. X linked recessive
                                              1. genetic defect in Xp21
                                                1. deletion
                                                  1. duplication
                                                    1. point mutation
                                                  2. Pathogenesis
                                                    1. without dystrophin, sarcolemma becomes fragile, loss of calcium homeostaasis, cell death occurs
                                                      1. muscle cell degeneration will outpace regeneration
                                                        1. regeneration capacity is exhausted, fibres are replaced by connective tissue and fat
                                                    2. Clinical Progression
                                                      1. Prognosis
                                                        1. poor
                                                          1. 100% mortality at mid 20s
                                                            1. due to one of the complications
                                                              1. lung failure
                                                                1. heart failure
                                                                  1. aspirations
                                                                    1. airway obstruction
                                                                  2. Management
                                                                    1. no treatment, only improving quality of life by reducing complications
                                                                      1. Pharmacological approach
                                                                        1. Prednisone
                                                                        2. physical and occupational therapy
                                                                    2. Investigations
                                                                      1. CK test
                                                                        1. muscle biopsy
                                                                          1. to check the myopathic changes
                                                                          2. western blot
                                                                            1. to detect and analyze dystrophin
                                                                      2. Tested by Neurological Examination of the LL
                                                                        1. Sensation
                                                                          1. Motor Function
                                                                            1. To test Muscle strength
                                                                              1. Muscle Strength Scale
                                                                            2. Coordination
                                                                              1. Gait
                                                                                1. abnormal gait
                                                                                  1. due to abnormalities in the
                                                                                    1. tip toe gait
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