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An Inspector Calls - Characters
A mind map to show the importance of social class in An Inspector Calls
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importance of social class in an inspector calls
j.b. priestly
Mind Map by
Rick Wear
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Abi Doyle
over 9 years ago
Copied by
Esme Gillen
over 9 years ago
Copied by
Rick Wear
over 7 years ago
Resource summary
An Inspector Calls - Characters
Eva Smith/Daisy Renton
Described as "pretty" despite of what class she is
Of Working class
She is poor & her parents are dead
From just outside of Brumley
Described as "country-bred" by Birling
Eric Birling
He is not as concerned about social class
He is embarrassed about the way his parent treat those of a lower class
"I'm ashamed of you"
He supports the workers cause when he hears about his fathers treatment of them
"Why shoudnt they try for higher wages?"
He supported Eva by giving her money
He was happy to have a relationship with a working class girl
he doesn't care about Eva's class
He feels guilty regardless of who she is
He was born into the higher class
Gerald Croft
Did not care about Daisy's social class
He seems to have genuinely cared about Daisy in spite of who she was
He arranged for her to live in a friends flat & he gave her some money
He pitied her when he first met her
He helped when she was being harassed by Alderman Meggarty
High class (Aristocrat)
Son of Lord and Lady Croft
they are not overly impressed by his engagement to Sheila
Perhaps because the Birling's are lower in social circles
Perhaps because they are rvals of Birling's business
Works with his father for "Croft's Limited"
Feels for Eva
"I was sorry for her"
Attempts to rid his responsibility
Tries desperately to prove Inspectors non-existence
Sybil Birling
She was born into a Higher class family
She is a snob
She's very aware of the difference in social class
She is very dismissive of Eva
She claimed it was her "duty" to refuse help to a working class girl
Shes refuses to believe tht a working class girl would refuse (stolen) money
"She was giving herself ridiculous airs"
"Girls of that class"
She is irritated when Birling wishes to praise the cook in front of Gerald
Mr Birling social superior
Her own actions
Claims she does not recognise the photograph
"I did nothing i'm ashamed of"
Actions of other
"There must be some mistake" (On Eric)
"Scruples that were absurd in a girl in her position"
Sheila Birling
She begins to realise that social class isn't important
She's embarrassed about the way her parents treated Eva because of her class
"It frightens me the way you talk"
"How can you Pretend that nothing much has happened?"
She feels guilty about how she acted to Eva
she feels "fully Responsible"
She considers the conditions of her father's workers
she show compassion when she hears of Birling's treatment of them
"But these girls aren't cheap labour - they're people"
She is snobby and shallow about working class people at the start
Jealousy of Eva
Born into a high class family
Auther Birling
He is aware of his social superiors
He shows of his ort to Gerald
"It's exactly the same port your father gets"
Worked his way up in class
He was originally 2nd class
Slips into old habits: thanks the chef.
Pround of his achievents
Rich & in first class. He owns his own business
He is likely to be knighted
"Just a knighthood of course."
Lack of Change
Refuses to accept change.
"But the whole thing's different now!
Has an antithetical view to Priestly
"A man has to mind his own business."
"Working together...for lower costs and higher prices"
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