-true aggression, but keeping on a face of dismay
-backed by the other Faithless, 4 will join in any fight
try to explain about the Faithless
Brault calls to the citizens to trust in him
Faked fight
party does not react or ruin the illusion
Brault fakes grevious injury,
pleads for life, and says he
and his people will leave if the
party will spare them
party pursues/attacks
Brault threatens to smash the stones
does smash
real fight - abberations
party avoids
kills/disarms him
real fight - soldiers
Return to Cognassi
threaten/attack Brault
Convince citizens to listen to you, + with scaning cargo, the barracks
Scout ahead
-12 Faithless on guard around city, four filling carts from stores from the barracks, six on guard around the carts.
-50 citizens in an anxious mob in the city square
Investigate the carts
-layers of supplies hiding siphon stones
get caught
skip around the city
Faithless abandon citizens and
begin mascurading as traders to
smuggle in the stones
Follow the Faitlhless out of town in the night
scout out camp
- 4 faithless on watch over over 16. Brault is planning in larger tent with two other figures, going over plans for appearing as merchants (the party's carriage will help with that)
Suprise attack
assassinate Brault
normal fight, but last survivors try to flee and leave cargo