

All flash cards summed up.
Gabriel Speight
Mind Map by Gabriel Speight, updated more than 1 year ago
Gabriel Speight
Created by Gabriel Speight over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1. What is Astham?
    1. Inflamation of the Airways
      1. The bronchiles become inflamed and narrow
        1. Less Air can travel through the Airways
          1. Muscles around airways tighten and increase mucus production
          2. 2. Causes of Ashtma
            1. Being Exposed to to tabacco smoke as a child
              1. Mother smoked during pregnancy
                1. Born Prematurely/Needing Ventilator
                  1. Birth weight less than 2kg
                    1. Family History of Asthma or other allergic condition
                      1. Having Another allergic Condition
                      2. 3. Symptoms of Asthma
                        1. Tight feeling in chest
                          1. Wheezing
                            1. Feeling Breathless
                              1. Coughing
                                1. Attack Triggered by Vigorus Exercise
                                  1. Attack triggered by allergens
                                  2. 4. Medical Interventions for Asthma
                                    1. Reliever Inhaler
                                      1. Blue Usually
                                        1. Relieve Symptoms quickly
                                          1. Relaxes the muscles around the airways
                                            1. E.g. Salbutamol + Terbutaline
                                            2. Preventer Inhaler
                                              1. Usually Brown, Red or Orange
                                                1. Works over time
                                                  1. Has to be used Daily for some time before they work
                                                    1. May not stop asthma attack but should reduce frequency
                                                      1. E.g. Beclometasone, Budesonide
                                                      2. Spacers
                                                        1. Used with Children, Mainly Young
                                                          1. Increases amount of medication reaching the lungs
                                                            1. These are when Medication is puffed into the spacer via inhaler and then breathed in
                                                            2. Steroids
                                                              1. Usually Taken Orally
                                                                1. Used for severe cases of asthma or for life threatening attack
                                                                  1. Only taken 1-2 weeks max
                                                                    1. Work Immediately
                                                                      1. E.g. Prednisolone
                                                                    2. 5. Lifestyle Changes for Asthma
                                                                      1. Carry an inhaler
                                                                        1. Prevent or stop attack
                                                                          1. Feel Less worried
                                                                          2. If smoke stop
                                                                            1. Monitor using Peak Flow metre
                                                                              1. Avoid Triggers
                                                                                1. Excercise
                                                                                  1. Short Bursts
                                                                                    1. Get involved with Humid Exercises
                                                                                    2. If overweight, lose weight
                                                                                    3. 6. Counselling for Astham
                                                                                      1. Only relevant to patients who have severe asthma which may lead to frequent stays, inability to attend school or work
                                                                                        1. Patient prone to depression may require counselling
                                                                                          1. Not relevant to most patients

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