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The Skeleton and Muscles
Mind Map on The Skeleton and Muscles, created by Adele Karimova on 16/05/2017.
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Mind Map by
Adele Karimova
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
james liew
almost 9 years ago
Copied by
Adele Karimova
over 7 years ago
Resource summary
The Skeleton and Muscles
Functions of the skeleton
Support: skeleton supports the body and keeps it upright
Protection: skull protects the brain, backbone protects spinal cord, ribs protect the lungs
Manufacture of blood cells: red cells, white cells and platelets are made in bone marrow of the long bones
Movement: bones provide rigid levers against which the muscles can pull
The Axial Skeleton
Composed of the skull (cranium), facial bones, vertebral column (spine), rib cage and sternum (breastbone)
A pad of fluid enclosed by cartilage, called a disk act as shock absorbers and protect the vertebrae from rubbing each other
The Appendicular Skeleton
Consists of the pectoral and pelvic girdles, and their attached limbs
Pectoral (shoulder) girdle
Consists of scapula (shoulder blade) and clavicle (collar bone)
Function is to give upper body mobility and strength
Pelvic (hip) girdle
Consists of the pelvis (made up of three fused bones called innominate bones)
Gives strength and support to the body and allows mobility of lower limbs
Structure of a Long Bone
Compact Bone
The inorganic material gives strength to the bone
The organic material gives the bone flexibility
Contains blood vessels and nerve fibres
Medullary Cavity
Contains a soft material called bone marrow
Red marrow is active in making blood cells
Yellow marrow is inactive and contains numerous fat-storage cells
Can convert to red marrow if needed
Spongy Bone
Consists of a mixture of compact bone with pockets of bone marrow
Function is to give strength and rigidity to bones without making them too heavy
It protects the end of long bones and acts as a shock absorber
Made of collagen
Bone Growth
Osteoblasts produce and lay down new bone
Osteoclasts digest and remove old bone
Cartilage slowly converted to bone (ossification)
In growth plate, osteoblasts form bone matrix to extend the length of bones
A joint is where two or more bone meet
Immovable Joints: allow no movement between the bones. Their function is strength and protection
Slightly Movable Joints: allow a small amount of movement between bones. e.g. joints between vertebrae
Freely Movable Joints: contain synovial fluid in joint cavity which allows greater friction-free movement
Hinge Joints: allow movement in one direction only
Ball and Socket: allow movement in all direction
Cardiac muscle: located in the heart
Voluntary (skeletal) is the muscle that cause body movement. They work as antagonistic pairs
Antagonistic muscle pairs are composed of two muscles that have opposite effects to each other
Involuntary (smooth) muscle is located in the intestines, bladder and blood vessels
Muscles can only contract
Caused by swelling of joints
Prevention: reducing wear and tear
Treatment: rest; surgery to repair damage in severe cases
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