2.6 Data representation


Mind Map on 2.6 Data representation, created by Mr R on 18/05/2017.
Mr R
Mind Map by Mr R, updated more than 1 year ago
Mr R
Created by Mr R over 7 years ago

Resource summary

2.6 Data representation
  1. Units of data
    1. Bit
      1. Nibble
        1. Byte
          1. etc.
          2. Representations
            1. Denary (Base 10)
              1. Why we use denary
              2. Hexadecimal (Base 16)
                1. Why engineers use hex
                2. Binary (Base 2)
                  1. Why computers use binary
                3. Left and right binary shifts
                  1. Overflow errors
                  2. Check digits
                    1. Parity check
                      1. Even parity
                        1. Odd parity
                      2. Text representation
                        1. ASCII
                          1. Extended ASCII
                            1. UNICODE
                              1. Character set
                              2. Image representation
                                1. Bit depth
                                  1. Resolution
                                    1. Pixel
                                      1. Metadata
                                      2. Sound representation
                                        1. Sample
                                          1. Sampling frequency
                                            1. Sample size
                                              1. Bit rate
                                              2. Logic gates
                                                1. AND
                                                  1. OR
                                                    1. NOT
                                                    2. Compression
                                                      1. Lossy
                                                        1. Lossless
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