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Lodovico & Marcello
A Levels The White Devil Mind Map on Lodovico & Marcello, created by laurissafield on 20/05/2014.
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the white devil
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english literature
the white devil
a levels
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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over 10 years ago
Resource summary
Lodovico & Marcello
Parallel character to Flamineo - ruined nobleman, malcontent and Francisco's henchman
His own story is peripheral to the plot, but his actions are central
Play opens and closes with him
Character revealed - committed "Certain murders here in Rome / Bloody and full of horror"
Dismisses them as "flea-bitings"
Shares Flamineo's ability to judge character
Ironically passing judgement on Flamineo as one of "these rogues that are most weary of their lives"
Motivation for avenging Isabella's death complicated by his feelings for her
"I did love Brachiano's duchess dearly; / or rather I pursued her with hot lust"
When told by Monticelso revenge is "damnable" he appears wiling to "give it o'er"
Only reconsiders when he receives money, believing it to be from Moticelso
Serves Francisco loyally, even insisting he leave Padua before the murders
"My Lord, leave the city / Or I'll forswear the murders"
Enacts violent bloody revenge and is unrepentant
Relishes in the artistic effects of his work
"I do glory that I can call this act mine own"
Brother of Flamineo and Vittoria
Whilst Flamineo represents the character type 'melancholic', Marcello represents 'Choleric'
Excess of yellow bile, signifying easily angered and bad-tempered
Serves Francisco, and although poorly rewarded for his service, does not share Flamineo's discontent
Is the voice of conventional morality
Frowns on relationship between V & B
"I would my dagger's point had cleft her heart / When she first saw Brachiano"
Seems to overcome his feelings of relationship enough to attend wedding
Strength of dislike for Zanche - based on colour or fear of interracial marriage?
CONTEXT: Interracial marriages were seen as unnatural
Threats to cut her throat and kicking her in public show unpleasant side to his nature
"If I take her near you I'll cut her throat"
Due to fight duel with Flamineo, but F kills him
Causes Cornelia to lose her mind
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