Compare the ways that two poets present ideas about fear in "The Prelude" and one other poem from 'Power and conflict'.


Year 11 English Mind Map on Compare the ways that two poets present ideas about fear in "The Prelude" and one other poem from 'Power and conflict'., created by Ollie Fabb on 25/05/2017.
Ollie Fabb
Mind Map by Ollie Fabb, updated more than 1 year ago
Ollie Fabb
Created by Ollie Fabb over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Compare the ways that two poets present ideas about fear in "The Prelude" and one other poem from 'Power and conflict'.
  1. BOTH: long descriptions of simple actions/events
    1. "She was an elfin pinnace... upreared it's head"
      1. Powerful volcabulary and a slow pace build the intensity of this long complex sentence
        1. "Huge peak, black and huge"
          1. Repetition of simple volcabulary
            1. Writer is lost for words
              1. Sublime
          2. Showing the reader how fear can turn one moment in time into an eternity
            1. Nature is so impressive and scary that the world stops
        2. "He was running like..."
          1. Struggling to describe even simple actions
            1. War has made him question everything
              1. Can no longer think rationally
              2. Narrator trying to remain grounded
                1. Spending long time on something that is unquestionable to get a reality check
          2. Bayonet Charge
            1. The Prelude
              1. BOTH: concerned about their place in the world
                1. "in what cold clockwork of the stars and the nations"
                  1. Losing faith in the structure of the world he knew
                    1. Changed how he sees the world
                    2. Stars--otherworldy forces, faith etc
                      1. Nations--goverments etc
                        1. Both have abandoned him
                          1. He is alone in a "cold" world
                            1. OR he's being controlled
                              1. Cold clockwork--robot
                                1. Questioning free will
                      2. "o'er my thoughts there hung a darkness"
                        1. Changed how he sees the world
                          1. Formative experience
                          2. "Darkness"
                            1. Hiding
                              1. Trying to hide from this new world he's found
                        2. BOTH: fear power
                          1. His own power
                            1. "His terror's touchy dynamite"
                              1. If pushed, he could suddenly explode
                                1. His fear turns him into a destructive force
                                  1. Become a part of the arsenal
                                    1. Questioning free will
                                    2. Scared of what he could do
                              2. Nature's power
                                1. "Measured motion like a living thing"
                                  1. Man presented as the standard for power
                                    1. Generally accepted that man is the most powerful thing on Earth
                                      1. Nature is actually as powerful
                                        1. Changed how he sees the world
                                    2. Never seen nature be so powerful so has to compare it to man
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