So probably fresh maybe? And then, that's drop down
there's ready meal and then you've got healthy choices.
so that's how I would do it (S)
Uses drops down from top tabs...ready meals>Healthy Choices. (s)
Because I'm not sure what I wanted (s)
I'm not vegetarian but if I was I suppose I'd go for a quorn thing (s)
Vegetarian as a proxy for healthy?
Find a product search
so I'd go back to find a product type in
lasagne....(automatically listed below as began to
type) (Dj)
I'll choose fresh lasagne (DJ)
Fresh as proxy for healthy?
So it comes up with all this, so I'd look for these new me (NuMe) or
there's a weight watchers one which I might chose (DJ)
BRAND NUME or WW as proxy for healthy
I might look at the reviews too (DJ)
unfamiliar products never tried before- read review?
So we're searching for
"low fat lasagna" (types
into search box) (p1)
So we have weight watchers and two
'You Count' vegetable lasagnas. (p1)
BRANd as aProxy for
healthy...WEight wacthers as a
brand recognised as 'healthy'
I'd immediately
discount weight
wathers as in my
experience that brand
tastes not very to my
tastes (p1)
Lets just have a look at what the
information is out of interest (full
product details). Its quite straight
forwards fat 100g 2.1 and 8.1 for
the prepared pack. so if I wanted to,
I wouldn't nornallt do this, I
compare the weight wacther
one...and the ww one is different.
Looks at PI and nutrition information
Compares nutrition information of two
products by recall.
wouldn't normally do that
it's in a different presentation style (P1)
noticed informatio presented
different between two products (PI
nutrition table) )ww vs Ocado)
uses low fat as a search term
Types in lasgana to
search box. (JG)
I'd probably look to see if there was
something fresh first (JG)
Fresh as immediate
thought of healthy
I've had a look what the content was if I
really was intent on buying the, (JG)
What sort of meat..fresh meat...if it started
mentioning reconsituted then I'd not (JG)
Ingredients as proxy for healthy
refers to looking at
futher information
(searched for
"lasagna" in top box).
So it's giving
me...again this
definition of
healthy....SO this is
probably based on
healthy based on Price
well I woudl expect I would
go for the most home
made one...the one that
kind of looks, or expensive
rather htan the equivalent
of your know TESCO own
which I wouldn't expect ot
have any free ingredients
in it. (SL)
I probably would, just out of habit, go for Waitrose (SL)
routine BRAND choices
types healthy lasagna into search box (JC)
it comes up with weight
watchers, the vegetarian
quorn one, which I didn't
think about. (Jc)
Vegetarian=healthy (suggested in results of
if I could spell lasagna, arh
lasagne comes up (DM)
Nature of online shopping v's in store (JG)
If I'm shopping on line I'm doing it because I get home from work late, there's not much time. I still do prefer to go into
store to see the package and content. which I need to chose first rather than jsut a picture (JG)
Perception of shopping online not as selective (based on "just a picture") as in
store. more difficult to make decision between products...information more
difficult to see/judge??
See I'd find weight watchers would be quite healthy because it'd be part of a slimming
diet wouldn' it?...or you know which ranges are often they sort of promote the
nutritional ranges now at Morrisons, you know you can look at the ranges (JC)
Mentions, before any searching, trying to navigate from
range/brand associated with health?
Like there is says healthy choices you see (JC)
(would determine it is was a healthy product) by
the food labelling, but it's whether you can see the
food label isn't it? (JC)
You'd have to click on it like there (hoovers over product image to see traffic lights on pack photo)
its the green and amber so you know its not got loadsof the red labelling in so for me that's a
good product choice.(JC)
Look on pack with zoom mouse hoovers over photo
Its wheather your familiar with food labelling.
Expresses concern over use of labelling?
It's got reduced fat (hoovers over image)
and I know that's their healthier range
because I've looked at it at home. (JC)
Uses claim in photo of
packagaing to confirm
USes familarity
with sub brand to
also confirm
health. Familiarity
gained at home,
not online
I don't think you'd find a healthy lasagna ready meal !(J)
I'd look at ingredients I would look at calorie content...because I personally do not liek ready
meals that are low in claories the low low ones. I would rather the half or whole one. because I
don't like the taste that diet stuff has.(J)
inindicates would look at product information
I would say it has to be my definition of healthy (SL)
I have difficulty knowing what's healthy (DM)
I know from experience that products that are labelling
healthy less fat..when you really analyse them they are full of
sugar, full of salt so it that healthy or not? even though they
are low in fat..and when you start to look at the labels and
start to compare they're not really under the health category
suspicion of claims v's nutrient content (low fat) specifically)
Mentions looking aht labels and comparing as means to idnetify
I haven't purcahses it before so
it won't be on my previous
shopping list (DM)
not a Routine purchase recognised
Bearing in mind I
don't want ot
spend too much
time because I've
got other items
to get and I
haven't had this
before (DM)
Need to be quick. not a usual
product- time taken perceived
so it says on offer and say here review- I might as well have a look what other people have said. (DM)
offer price noted
still time to look at reviews- especially if a new product for them
(Scrolls down to find nutrition information) I'm
looking at the nutritiron data, allergy
(reading)....I'm progressing through this to find
out about E make up my mind I
suppose really Id go off my weight wacthers
calculator again (DM)
Can't seem to
use/interpret nutrition
information even though
has found it at bottom of
page..refers needing to
get WW calculator