Single Transferable Vote


A - Level Government and Politics (AS) Mind Map on Single Transferable Vote, created by Yasmine King on 03/06/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Single Transferable Vote
  1. How it works
    1. Voters can vote for as many or as few candidates a they like
      1. Multi member constituencies
        1. The candidate needs a certain quota of votes to be elected
          1. Any votes in excess of this quota are redistributed on the basis of 2nd choice
            1. If no one candidate reaches the quota the lowest is eliminated and their second preference is transferred.
            2. Where it is used
              1. Northern Irish Assembly
                1. Each constituencies elects 6 representatives
                2. Advantages
                  1. Competition amongst candidates from the same party means that they can be judged on their individual records and personal strengths
                    1. The availability of several members means that constituents can choose who take their grievances to
                      1. Each party gets a seat share equal to their vote share
                        1. Achieves broadly proportional results
                          1. The system is capable of achieving highly proportional outcomes
                          2. Disadvantages
                            1. The degree of proportionality achieved in this system can vary, largely on the basis of the party system
                              1. Strong and stable single- party government is unlikely under STV
                                1. Extremist parties are more likely to get elected
                                  1. Multi-member constituencies may be divisive because they encourage competition amongst members of the same party
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