Mr Utterson


Year 10 English Mind Map on Mr Utterson, created by Archisha T on 10/06/2017.
Archisha T
Mind Map by Archisha T, updated more than 1 year ago
Archisha T
Created by Archisha T over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Mr Utterson
  1. 'Rugged Countenance, never lighted with a smile... yet somehow lovable
    1. 'His affections, like ivy, were the growth of time'
      1. Loyal
        1. Knows his friends very well
        2. 'This document had long been the lawyer's eyesore'
          1. The will troubles him
          2. 'If he could but once set eyes on him he thought the mystery would lighten and perhaps roll away altogether
            1. He thinks that if he can physically asses the situation and take it into his own hands then the mystery will go away and it'll be back to normal
            2. 'Poor Harry Jekyll...he's in deep waters'
              1. 'humbled by the many ill things he had done'
                1. He's done his fair share of wrongs
                2. 'Ay I must put my shoulder to the wheel'
                  1. Prepared to step in to help
                    1. Again shows he is very loyal
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