Religion 7


7th Grade Religion Mind Map on Religion 7, created by pcsalazar on 25/05/2014.
Mind Map by pcsalazar, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pcsalazar over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Religion 7
  1. Unit 8
    1. Eucharist
      1. Transubstantiation


        • The Bread and the Wine in Mass are changed to Jesus's Body and Blood. 
        1. Real Presence


          • Jesus is really present in the Eucharist. His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity are in the Host and the Wine. 
          1. Mass


            • The Eucharist is the sacrifice of Christ lived out in Mass
            1. Mass
          2. John 6
            1. Manna


              • In John 6, Jesus talks about our ancestors that ate manna in the dessert. 
            2. Last Supper
              1. Passover


                • The Passover and the Last Supper are the same thing. The Passover meal was literally the last meal that the Disciples shared with Jesus
                1. Breaking of the Bread


                  • Jesus instituted the Eucharist to the Disciples at the Passover meal. The Breaking of the Bread is the Eucharist being instituted at Mass. 
            3. Unit 3
              1. Paschal Mystery
                1. Messiah


                  • Jesus is the Messiah and lived out the Paschal Mystery. He went through the Passion, Death, Ressurrection, and Ascension.   
                  1. Incarnation


                    • The Messiah, Jesus is 100% human and 100% God. The incarnation is when (God) the Messiah became man. 
                    1. Son of God


                      • The Messiah is the Son of God. Peter said that Jesus is the literal Son of God and the Messiah. 
                    2. Word of God


                      • The Paschal Mystery is part of Scripture and the Word of God is Scripture. Jesus lived the Paschal Mystery and he is the Word of God
                  2. Unit 9
                    1. Four Marks of the Church
                      1. Apostolic Succession


                        • Apostolic Succession is the unbroken line of Spiritual Authority from Christ to the Apostles and all the down to the popes and priests today. 
                        • Apostolic Succession is one of the four marks of the church. 
                      2. Communion of Saints
                        1. Beatific Vision


                          • The members of the Church in Heaven, on Earth, and in Purgatory are the Communion of Saints. 
                          • The members of the Church that are in Heaven are experiencing beatific vision: seeing God face-to-face
                        2. Body of Christ


                          • One of the meanings of the Body of Christ is the Mass
                        3. Unit 7
                          1. Beatitudes


                            • They are pretty much the same things, but the commandments are written like rules, and the Beatitudes are written optimistically. The Beatitudes are saying if you do this, you will be happy. The Ten Commandments are saying don't do this. 
                            1. Dorothy Day


                              • Dorothy Day was very good at following the Beatitudes. She is a good example of someone who lived out the Beatitudes; Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.  
                              1. Supreme Blessedness


                                • The word Beatitude means Supreme Blessedness
                            2. Ten Commandments
                              1. Unit 4
                                1. Parables


                                  • Parables are stories that Jesus told to us to teach us lessons. The Giving Tree taught me to give what I have to others who don't have it. 
                                  1. Geneology


                                    • Abraham and Sarah were the first people in Jesus Geneology. They weren't really "the first" but they are the oldest mentioned in His family tree
                                  2. Unit 1
                                    1. Abraham and Sarah
                                      1. Jacob and Esau


                                        • Abraham and Sarah had baby Isaac. Isaac married Rebekah, and had twin sons: Jacob and Esau. Therefore, Abraham and Sarah are Jacob's and Esau's grandparents
                                      2. Giving Tree
                                        1. Hesed


                                          • Hesed means kindness. The giving tree was kind because she gave everything she had to the little boy. 
                                        2. Covenant


                                          • God made a covenant with Jesus. He told Jesus that he would live out the Paschal Mystery. 
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