japan- can be applied to population change or differences in longevity


A level geography Mind Map on japan- can be applied to population change or differences in longevity, created by emily balmbra on 14/06/2017.
emily balmbra
Mind Map by emily balmbra, updated more than 1 year ago
emily balmbra
Created by emily balmbra over 7 years ago

Resource summary

japan- can be applied to population change or differences in longevity
  1. general facts
    1. japan has the lowest birth an fertility rate
      1. birth rate = the total number of live births per 100 of a pop per year
        1. fertility rate = the average number of children born per woman if all woman live throught their child bearing age.
        2. in 2014 the pop = 127.9 million and a pop density of 337 per km2
        3. physical environment - it influence on the pop size and distribution
          1. japan = surrounded by mountains that consist of many islands, such as HONSHU, HOKKAIDO and KYUSHU - island contain lots of fertile soils and costal plains = most of the pop is concentrated here
            1. 70% of the land = mountains = urban areas are v densely populated
              1. relief is early overcome by terracing the land
            2. has mainly a temperate climate ranges from cold long winters in HOKKAIDO to subtropical (mean temp of 17 degrees) in OKINAWA
              1. Has 4 seasons, mild winters and hot humid summers - typhoons hit the country every year during late summer.
              2. japan lies on many continental plates so experiences lost of hazards e.g earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
                1. the volcanic activist combined with the temperate climate = allows intensive agriculture = pop grew and thrived despite the hazards
                2. the archipelagic nature of japan = allows a fishing industry = food for the pop
                  1. has few fossil fuel reserves - relied on other countries e.g korea to support the growing pop and industry
                    1. triggered the second world war
                  2. demography and culture
                    1. culture
                      1. tradition and paternalistic - expects loyalty and hard working people
                        1. largest economy in the world - rose national income of us$48,324 per year
                          1. stereotyped that men are the main money earners, but post industrial well educated females = very important
                            1. potential lead to the decrease in both rates because the appeal of children decreased.
                              1. has a natural decrease and only stabilised due to migration - stage 5 of DTM, estimated to decrease by 30% by 2050
                            2. ageing population!!!
                            3. average life expectancy = 83, over 65s = 23.9% of the pop
                              1. dependancy ratio = 60, the % of economically active = 62.6%
                                1. its estimated that the population will experience a 'demographic time bomb' = pop decline = not enough young people to replace the older people
                            4. reason for ageing population
                              1. improved health care = people are looked after = living longer
                                1. low fat diets = japan has one of the lowest rates of obesity = generally have better health
                                  1. woman receive better education = children are less wanted
                                    1. contraception is more widely used = fewer religious and social taboos
                                      1. prices on schooling have increased = many can only afford to send one child to school thus only have one child
                                      2. socia and economic impacts of ageing pop
                                        1. 25% of the govs money = spent on pensions
                                          1. 40& pf all gov spending is on the elderly
                                            1. working pop is decreasing = the economy is decreasing - affect production and consumption
                                              1. families have to pay to put elderly in family = may have to give up their jobs and just care for their family
                                                1. this could lead to stress and social deprivation; they're not pursuing what they enjoy ad having to spend a lot of money but not ale tpowork
                                                2. elderly are generally a more ill age group = need more health workers and services
                                                  1. increasing pressure on NGOS to provide the care/ the funding
                                                    1. its estimated that 3.8mill of the pop live with no family, increase numbers on elderly living on the street/ in poor housing, increasing numbers of dementia
                                                      1. more are having t go back to work for an income; their peinsion isn't enough
                                                    2. positives
                                                      1. the manufacturing industry = v successful due to globalisation, large income from toyota and sony etc
                                                        1. increase in the number of private hospitals - specialising in healthcare for the elderly
                                                          1. increase demand for leisure activities and tourism in the affluent areas - boosts the economy
                                                            1. SPECIFIC TO JAPAN = the new robot technology - build partner robots to help the elderly, bionic limbs to carry items and aid mobility - being developed by some of the larger TNCS such as honda = very expensive so more for the affluent people
                                                            2. gov responses
                                                              1. gov has to tackle the problems for a sustainable future - has to be careful that the policies don't alienate the elderly
                                                                1. raising taxes - rising consumption taxes by 10% to maintain revenue. raising the retirement age to 70, pro-natal policies = encourages people tp have more children with tax breaks ad child allowance support. encourage robot technology to help the elderly and encoring the immigration of skilled workers to boots the economy and they also and to be at child bearing age too.
                                                                  1. there are some problems with encoring the immigration though - the lang = hard to learn - have to do a set with is very easy to fail. also challenging for outsiders due to the culture - can be very hard to be accepted - employers look for very hard woking people - but does have a migration pop of about 2.2 million
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