
AS levels Z - English AS (Dalloway parts) Mind Map on WE'VE FINISHED OEDIPUS, created by Izzy Simmons on 16/05/2013.
Izzy Simmons
Mind Map by Izzy Simmons, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Simmons
Created by Izzy Simmons almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Sally Seton
    1. "what a change had come over her! the softness of motherhood"
      1. "for her husband... did all that for her"
        1. "When she counted up her blessings, she put that friendship first"
        2. Clarissa
          1. "She had charm... how could Clarissa have done it? - married Richard Dalloway?"
            1. "Clarissa was at heart a snob"
              1. "Clarissa was hard on people"
                1. "Clarissa was pure-hearted"
                2. Peter
                  1. "always opening and shutting a knife when he got excited"
                    1. "one could not be in love twice"
                    2. "One must say simply what one felt"
                      1. "Are we not all prisoners?... one scratched on the wall"
                        1. "More deeply, more passionately, every year"
                          1. "What does the brain matter... compared with the heart?"
                            1. "for what can one know even of the people one lives with every day"
                              1. "For there she was"
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                                Part 8
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 1
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 4
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 2
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 7
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 3
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 5
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 10
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 6
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Part 9
                                Izzy Simmons
                                Woolf uses external events to reveal the inner lives of her characters
                                Izzy Simmons