Sex differences in parental investment


Mind Map on Sex differences in parental investment, created by hannahmcgrath199 on 02/06/2014.
Mind Map by hannahmcgrath199, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahmcgrath199 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Sex differences in parental investment
  1. Visual agnosia is the inability to recognise familiar objects presented visually. Most neuropsychologists distinguish between 'apperceptive agnosia' and 'associative agnosia'.
    1. Associative agnosia
      1. Associative agnosia is a failure that occurs at a later stage in the object recognition process. In contrast to apperceptive agnosias, patients with associative agnosias can draw objects, match similar objects and describe the component parts. However they cannot associate these details with stored knowledge about the objects in order to recognise them.
      2. Apperceptive agnosia
        1. This form of agnosia consists of a failure to recognise an object because of an inability to perceive its form. Patients are typically unable to draw the object, match objects or describe component parts.
      3. Visual agnosias
        1. Prosopagnosia is a condition where individuals can describe a person's face and its expressions but cannot recognise whose face it is unless they use other non-facial information such as hair, clothing or voice. A common complaint from prosopagnosics is that they have trouble following the plot of movies because they cannot keep track of the actors' identity.
          1. Research study: De Renzi and Di Pellegrino
          2. The most obvious sex difference in human parental investment is that human males can opt out of parental investment in a way that females cannot.
            1. Maternal investment
              1. Females usually invest more time and effort into the rearing process. The human mother must carry the developing embryo to full term (9 months). Also, in common with other mammals, human females breastfeed their young for up to two years, so they are burdened with the extended period of childcare that results from prolonged immaturity.
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