Core 1.2 Evaluative Processes


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mind Map on Core 1.2 Evaluative Processes, created by T Andrews on 28/07/2017.
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
T Andrews
Created by T Andrews about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Core 1.2 Evaluative Processes
  1. 1.2.2 Future Scenarios
    1. Natural disasters
      1. Medical advances
        1. Travel
          1. Global warming
            1. Communication
            2. 1.2.3 Ethical Perspectives
              1. Where made
                1. Made by
                  1. Who benefits
                    1. Fair Trade products
                    2. 1.2.4 Environmental Perspectives
                      1. Materials used
                        1. Life cycle analysis (LCA)
                          1. Energy usage
                            1. Manufacture
                              1. Transortation
                              2. Carbon footprint
                              3. 1.2.1 New and Emerging Technologies
                                1. Manufacturing capabilities
                                  1. Consumer
                                    1. Budget constraints
                                      1. Materials
                                        1. Timescale
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