MSL Career Path


Professional Development Mind Map on MSL Career Path, created by Catherine Summers on 10/08/2017.
Catherine Summers
Mind Map by Catherine Summers, updated more than 1 year ago
Catherine Summers
Created by Catherine Summers about 7 years ago

Resource summary

MSL Career Path
  1. Management


    • For Management Career Path      Leadership Training      Project Leadership      Mentoring Experience      MBA      Mentoring by other director(s)      Business Acumen      Leading a small/regional team         - banding in AD level (I/II)
    1. Executive MSL
      1. Senior MSL
      2. Technical
        1. Senior MSL


          • Technical Career Path      Heat map KOL movement      Facilitation Skills      Presentation Skills      Leadership Skills      Scientific Expertise      MBA      MPH      Certifications (genetics, Managed Care, etc...) AD levels (I/II) Role expansion:      Organizing off-sites      Presenter at Advisory Boards      MSL training      Team strategy development      Present at Dev Rev sessions
          1. Other MSL expertise areas
            1. Managed Care
              1. Other
                1. Liaise with other departments


                  • Liaise between MSL team and other departments, such as commercial or marketing
              2. Executive MSL
                1. MSL
                2. Other Field-Based Positions
                  1. EAP
                    1. Med Comm
                      1. Med Info
                      2. In-House Role


                        • Rotations Special Projects with HQ
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