Objections based on Existence as a Predicate of God and responses


A-Levels R.E A2 PHILOSOPHY Mind Map on Objections based on Existence as a Predicate of God and responses, created by Katie Hanlon on 09/06/2014.
Katie Hanlon
Mind Map by Katie Hanlon, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Hanlon
Created by Katie Hanlon over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Objections based on Existence as a Predicate of God and responses
  1. INTRO
    1. The ontological argument, which uses a priori logic, states that God being defined as most great or perfect, must exist, since a God who exists is greater than a God who does not. St. Anselm proposed the first version which was later looked at by Rene Descartes who developed his own form. Both arguments rely upon existence as a predicate. They claim that the predicate 'exists' cannot be separated from the idea of God in the same way that the predicate 'has 3 angles' cannot be separated from the subject 'triangle'. It would be contradictory to claim a triangle does not have 3 sides in the same way it would be contradictory to say 'God does not exist.'
    2. KANT
      1. In addition, Kant argued that existence is not a real predicate, as it does not add anything to our understanding of a thing. For example, the concept of 100 real silver coins does not contain a coin more than the concept of 100 possible silver coins. Kant claimed that a predicate must give us information about something, it is a quality that something either has or lacks. He proves this by reversing Anselm's statement, if 'X' exists, then X possess' the quality of existence. 'X does not exist' tells us that X does not possess this quality. But a thing that does not exist cannot lack anything. Therefore when people claim God exists they are saying there is a God and he possess the quality of existence, then when people say God does not exist, he lacks the quality of existence which would affirm and deny his existence in one breath.
        1. Kant argued that there is no contradiction in dismissing both the subject and it's predicate, i.e. dismiss the idea of the 3 angles and the triangle. It is therefore possible to dismiss God and his existence.
        2. RUSSELL
          1. Bertrand Russell, an atheist, also claimed existence is not a predicate and believed Anselm and Descartes used the word 'exists' incorrectly. He uses the syllogism that men exist, Santa Claus is a man, therefore Santa exists. Santa is a fictional male character and belongs to another category to the man in the first predicate - therefore it is inaccurate to make the jump. He claimed existence is not a property of things, but of the idea of things, he uses the analogy of a cow. The statement 'a cow is quadrupped with udders' - the intention is to describe a cow but the fact the cow exists provides an extension to the description but is not part of it. Existence is an extension of an intention, when we conceive a cow we can accept its existence but we can't say that for God.
          2. RESPONSE: DAVIS
            1. Stephen Davis pointed out that Kant was not able to prove conclusively that 'exists' is not a real predicate. He argues that his concept of the Loch Ness Monster would change if someone were to convince him that the creature exists. Also his idea of a hundred silver coins includes them having purchasing power in the real world. His concept of imaginary coins does not have that property. Therefore things that exist in reality are greater than they would be if they just existed in the mind. So Kant's criticism does not refute the OA
            2. RESPONSE: DESCARTES
              1. Descartes argues that God must possess existence to be perfect, therefore existence must be a predicate of God. It is also illogical, thinking of God without the predicate of existence is like thinking of a triangle without 3 sides.
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