Origin of DAESH Timeline from Time.com


Middle East (DAESH) Note on Origin of DAESH Timeline from Time.com, created by Sarah B on 30/10/2017.
Sarah B
Note by Sarah B, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah B
Created by Sarah B about 7 years ago

Resource summary

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Chapter 1 - The Great Powers in the Middle East 1900-39
Karima Ranieri
Chapter 5 - The Six-day War of 1967
Karima Ranieri
Chapter 3 - The first Arab-Israeli War 1948-9
Karima Ranieri
Chapter 2 - The final years of the British mandate in Palestine 1945-8
Karima Ranieri
Chapter 6 - Yom Kippur War 1973
Karima Ranieri
Chapter 10 - Turkey, Iraq, Iran and the West 1908-2011
Karima Ranieri
ISIS: Formation and Objectives
Yana S
Why did the Israelis Win the First Arab-Israeli War of 1948/9
Middle East 1945-1995 (Set 1)
Lesley Taylor
Achaemenid Persian art
Aster Van Overloop
Midterm Mind Map - History
Marcus Agard