Carbon cycle


all notes and wider concepts
Tara Sullivan
Note by Tara Sullivan, updated more than 1 year ago
Tara Sullivan
Created by Tara Sullivan over 5 years ago

Resource summary

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  Carbon is stored in rocks, plants and oceans Carbon takes up many forms  Co2 methane, gas found in the atmosphere oceans and sedimentary rock.  calcium carbonate found in ocean and shells of ocean creatures.  hydrocarbons- found in sedimentary rock. bio-molecule stores = pools, stocks and reservoirs of carbon terrestrial oceanic and atmospheric stores. fluxes = movement and helps the cycle go round and feedbacks. Anthropolgenic factors leads to higher fluxes.   geological carbon cycle movement has chemical reactions that create new stores which trap carbon for periods of time. dynamic equilibrium. equal feedbacks. natural flows However volcanic  eruptions can distrupt equllibrium restoring  

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EQ1 Atmospheric c02. Lag time.  - marine orgnaism and dissolve surface water = water cycle.  if there wasn't photosynthesis and respiration no vegetation. deforestation  afforestation  fossil fuels  land use, change,  - peat bogs. - bogs are being decomposed by hydrology (river flows) peat bogs help store carbon. Humans restore them. Mini dams hold water back, anoxic condition (no oxygen prevents breakdown). positive feedback.  Urbanisation- concrete??cement production.  terrestrial carbon sequestration Marine sequestration/ pumps. Ocean stores biological pump. (organic sequestration)      

Page 3

EQ1 The Greenhouse effect - natrual effect - shortwave radiation - longwave radiation -co2, methane, anthropocene -hockey stick graph= average global temp over 1000yrs. last 100yr there's a sharp shift in co2 co2 changes- 1)- CO2 changes over time? the % increases over time.  2)- natural increase of co2?- different carbon fluxes vary. (geo, volcanic eruptions) sunspot theory eruption theory Anthropocene burning fossil fuels deforestation  argiculture industry  All equal carbon emissions.      

Page 4

The enhanced greenhouse effect When fossil fuels are burned in power stations, vehicles, industry or homes, greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere. the enhances the natural effect. temperature and precipitation changes response to co2 rise. radiation will be absorbed in more places than others more ice an snow creates an albedo which reflect radiation off the earth and back to space. Earth will get warmer and temp rise warmer conditions will lead to more evaporation and prepitation. oceans will be warmed, glaciers will melt, sea level rise and thermo-expansion occurs of the seas. less co2 is absorbed. crops and plant use co2, leading water efficency. but high temp may lead to less crop growth and change in habitats.

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