CGW4U Population Test Review


Note on CGW4U Population Test Review, created by Chenia Sa on 03/12/2014.
Chenia Sa
Note by Chenia Sa, updated more than 1 year ago
Chenia Sa
Created by Chenia Sa almost 10 years ago

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CGW4U Populations Test Review

two population trends : pop explosion since 1600 and declining pop growth ratedependency load: % if pop aged 15- or 65+ because of pop explosion it doubles the food, shelter, jobs etc required, consequences also include pollution, space shortage, famine, urbanization -not by coincidence most of these countries are in the Near Core and Far Periphery (developing countries) declining pop growth is an issue in Old Core (developed/rich countries), it's a big problem because there isn't enough people to support the larger retiring population, expect higher taxes, decline in home values, and expect immigrants to fill in the jobs China has a one-child policy to control pop explosion and India has social workers that go around educating women about having more than 2 kids Optimistic View on Pop Growth Cornucopians believe technology can increase Earth's carrying capacity, pointing out the agriculture and industrial revolution that led to increase in world pop but they cannot predict what the next innovation will be just that it'd something that solves serious threats such as solar and wind energy replacing the pollution threat we have from our energy production methods of today  Bogue has a theory of demographic regulation meaning that society will naturally limit its own pop such as Sweden has, the demographic transition model ( supports this theory Pessimistic View Thomas Malthus (such a great impact that his followers are Malthusians) he said that pop grows geometrically but food production grows arithmetically so the food can never catch up to the population Catton expanded on Malthus and introduced carrying capacity saying we've been exceeding it but been able to pull it off because it costed us environmental damage such as wasting the non-renewable resources and that projects this phantom carrying capacity Population Explosion in China one-child policy means no private family planning; you need permission to have a child and "granny" will police watch over the young females and report any that are pregnant which results in fines or forced abortion. typically the rich can keep the extra child by paying fees but not the poor. couples who do not follow this policy get shunned female sterilization is encouraged and females are now educated Population Futures even though birth dearth helps the environment in terms of waste production and resource use, it will cutback country's economy significantly because the dependency load increases ti the point that the working force can't support them, estimated that 1/2 of europe will be over 60. Solutions to birth dearth are: contribute to pension plans w/ taxes, restrict eligibility for pensions based on income, lower the benefits (i.e lower amounts of later retirement) there will be a shift of power in the UN as the 5 permanent members are no longer a concern when India and china's population continues to grow work shortages- freedom 55 turned to freedom 70, people need to work longer because no one to take over their job at retirement time. Illegal immigrants can replace them and just get paid in cash, to avoid this countries will have to be less picky on immigrants Population Migration PUSH factors: low wages, high crime rates, war; PULL factors: education opportunities, haven from religious persecution, high standard of living temporary migrant is more common for like a semester in school or work travels. illegal migration- people smuggle their way in (U.S has this problem with Mexicans); there is border controls, high fences, ground sensors and dogs to prevent it but immigrants really help the economy when there is such a decline in population Refugees are forced to leave due to a threat of violence, environment problems (earthquake?), authoritative government. IDP's are internally displaced persons who eave home but stay within country borders. Solutions include local integration, move back if its safe, 3rd country accepts them internal migration is when people move from rural to urban areas and vice versa #FistWorldProblems (Urban Probs in Old Core Countries) child born into low income/unemployment brings a lot of social problems like school absence (uneducated), poor diet, shitty housing, overcrowded and economic problems like overpopulation and environment concerns to do with garbage disposal or greenhouse gases. CYCLE BEGINS AGAIN not enough tax money, one major issue, government provides less money for projects, tax base decreased Urban Probs in Near Core and Far PeripheryECONOMIC- badly-paying jobs leads to big gap between rich and poor, no economy development, jobs with no tax base to even try to provide services to those in povertySOCIAL- large pop lives in squatter houses, cardboard house with no plumbing so they gotta pay (20% of income) towards privately owned water and use pits as toiletsENVIRONMENTAL- can't build proof anything type houses, bad pollution cuz they burn what they can, gov't cant keep up with demands (gov't suffering themselves), sewage leaks into stream that people use to drink. About 380 million rely on pits for bathroom

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