Created by Oxana Kostina
about 10 years ago
Set Expressions Verb +the+Noun
hog the limelight - привлекать всеобщее вниманиеaddress the issue - рассматривать дело, заниматься вопросомframe a question - формулировать вопросface the music - держать ответ, расхлебывать кашуfit the description - соответствовать описаниюput / set the record straight - прояснить ситуациюtell the difference - различатьhave the best of both worlds - иметь и то и другое, убить двух зайцевsignify the end - предвещать, являться признаком концаallocate funds / resources - распределять ресурсы, денежные средстваdeploy skills / resources - задействовать умения, ресурсыpursue a goal - преследовать цельencompass a range (of) - охватывать, включать в себя большое количестов
Set In fact he was really a very quiet and rather reserved man, who preferred to keep in the background rather than hog the limelight. If We Don't Address The Issue Of Global Ecology, We Won't Have To Worry About The Other Issues.... as though all the time he had been trying to frame the question in a special wayI had desperately wanted to rush outside and leave the whole wretched affair behind me but something told me I had to stay and face the music (держать ответ).He did not fit the description of Jim Lancaster that Blanche had given him in the car that morning. We therefore write to put the record straight (чтобы внести ясность).At the moment it's difficult to tell the difference between beef, mutton or pigIf you enjoy the coast and the country, you'll get the best of both worlds on this walk.We have to allocate more resources, people and activities to the Far East. ...the Universities Funding Council, which allocates funds to individual universities....because without those facts we cannot deploy the resources effectively....all be working in the same direction, rather than pursuing conflicting goals.The debates encompassed a vast range of subjects.But this does not signify the end of her sexual life.
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