cosmological argument/telological proof


religion Note on cosmological argument/telological proof, created by peacockkid16 on 30/09/2013.
Note by peacockkid16, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by peacockkid16 about 11 years ago

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COSMOLOGICAL ARGUEMENT:p1) Anything that begins to exist requires an external cause of its existencep2) The universe began to existp3) The universe requires an external cause of its existence GOD EXISTS:If He didn't exist: death is permanent, life has no propose, and right and wrong have no meaningALL LOGICAL POSSIBILITIES FOR EXISTENCE: 1. Externally caused 2. Self-caused (IMMPOSIBLE: existence is necessary to create!) 3. Nothing caused (IMMPOSIBLE: Ex-nihilo Nihil Fit- Out of nothing, nothing comes.)THE UNIVERSE IS NOT ETERNAL:the Bible says the universe had a beginning!SCIENCE- Steady state model says the universe simply exists without a beginning. 1927-La Maitre  discovered the "Red shift of light" providing the universe is expanding-if you rewound time, you would be in a universe that doesn't exist.The Big Bang theory-had a beginning (13.6 billion years ago) according to the Big Bang theory!Universe-all of space and time!Singularity -initial point of near infinite mass and density in which the whole universe existed This is just a theory-where are the laws? 2nd law of thermodynamics: Heat moves from warmer to coolest always!If the universe were infinite days old....everything would have reached the same temperature by NOW! The universe requires an external cause that is:- extremely powerful...- outside of space and time- able to make decisions LOGIC (PHILOSIPHY): If the universe were 10 days old 10 days would have to have been completed by today. If the universe were 1 billion days old, 1 billion days would have to have been completed by today.IF THE UNIVERSE WERE INFINITE DAYS OLD, INFINITE DAYS OLD WOULD HAVE TO HAVE BEEN COMPLETED BY TODAY!!!an actual infinite series doesn't exist- this includes the age of the universe!!COSMOLOGICAL PRACTICE IN PRACTICE IN ACTION: concept of infinityWhat does the Pope say? "Fides et Ratio" No contradiction between faith and reasonSt. Thomas Aquinas (Dominican)St. Bonaventure (Franciscan)  both spread the Cosmological Argument- The cause of the universe existed before time, in the causal sense: ex-hitting a baseball vs. the sound it makes? Simultaneously, but the hitting must happen first in the causal sense. God existed prior to the universe, in the causal sense because God caused the universe to exist. This argument does not do away with the need for faith, the question becomes, Where do you put your faith? "If God created the Universe, who created God?" -NO ONE  CREATED GOD! GOD EXISTED BEFORE SPACE AND TIME! ALSO, BECAUSE GOD NEEDS NO CREATER, HE'S OUT OF SPACE AND TIME!!!  

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