

Note on Astronomers, created by semon.adams on 07/10/2013.
Note by semon.adams, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by semon.adams almost 11 years ago

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Constitution gives states control over elections with in their borders polling hours and registration process (set by state) Elections are overseen by state regulators State determines ballot design, voting machine, paper ballots Primary elections occur in the spring Begins with larger canidate field and narrowed to one official party nominee Front landing- Presidential primaries- schedule and format determined by party Early voters get a better choice Ballot vs. Caucus ( a ballot is easier and takes less than it would than a caucus) Closed- Primary- only registered party members eligible- get part ballot only Primaries- die hard vote National Convention occurs in the summer Held during the presedential election only Introduces platform and formally nominate Years after WWII- became more democratic- gave state voters more say and took power for national party officials Democratic Party- superdelegates chosen by the party General Elections occur on the 1st Tuesday after the first monday in November U.S. census every 10 years- Constitutional mandate REAPPORTIONMENT- the house divides up its seats based on census data REDISTRICTING- drawing of house member districts- done by state legislature Gerrymandering- Elbridge Gerry attempted to draw district lives that one party benefits while hurting the opposition Rules Districts must be contiguous- no islands districts must have approximately the same population Discrimination based on party is ok. Racial Discrimination is not Packing & Cracking  Packing- concentrates members of a group in one

Appointed archbishop of Canterbury by King Henry IIKing Henry hoped Thomas would side w/ him over the PopeThe king's plan backfires, and Thomas ended up taking side of church/pope over the kingHe was murdered in 1170 by King Henry's followeres and was canonized as both a saint and matryThe shrine of Saint Thomas of Beckett became a popular destination for religious pilgrimages during Middle Ages Crusades occured during the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries Goal of the crusades to restore Christian control of the Holy Land. it had a huge influence in Europe during Middle Ages Chivalry- system of ideas and behavior that governed both knight and gentlemen Courtly love- belief that acting in the name of a lady would help a knight be more brave and succesful

                                                                                            LATER GREEK ASTRONOMY used geometry Aristarchus (310-230 BC) determined relative size of moon during a lunar eclipse At first said moon was half as size of Earth's shadow of Earth taper, wasn't as straight as he thought it was Sun to moon is 87 degrees Actual angle 89.85 degrees. Sun is actually about 390 times farther than the moon                   Concluded 4 things Sun bigger than moon and earth Sun is farther from moon than earth Earth and moon must revolve around sun Heliocentric Universe- Sun is Center Eratoshenes- calculated tilt of Earth Hippochurnes most works lost catalouged magnitude of stars described precession of Earth catalouged positions and brightness of stars Ptolemy Ptolemaic System Geocentric Epicycles Retrograde motion- plations apparent backward movement as viewed from Earth planets revolves on epicycle Epicycle accounts for retrograde motion worded and used for nearly 1, 500 years The Dark Ages (1300-1400) Scientific thought basically stopped lost lots of information and thoughts Christian Church did not support Greek ideas   Renaissance Astronomers Coperenicus- fully developed heliocentric model wrote on the revolution of celestial bodies Sun is center and all planets orbit it Counterclock wise rotation of Earth produces apparent motion of heaven Annual motion of sun againsts backwards

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