All on 4 Los Algodones


All on 4 Los Algodones The first thing that has to happen is that we need to ensure that the patient has enough bone density to support the implants that will be placed into the upper or lower arches of the jaw.
Office Webmaster352
Note by Office Webmaster352, updated about 1 month ago
Office Webmaster352
Created by Office Webmaster352 about 1 month ago

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All on 4 Los Algodones   All on 4 Los Algodones The first thing that has to happen is that we need to ensure that the patient has enough bone density to support the implants that will be placed into the upper or lower arches of the jaw. This is done with a CTCB scan to check the density of the bone in the jaw. If there is not enough bone to support the implants, don’t worry, it is not the end of the world. A bone graft procedure would be necessary to ensure that there is enough bone in the upper or lower jaw for the implants. All on 4 Tijuana Implants must be able to support the pressure of a patient’s bite. This procedure becomes essential for patients who suffer bone loss. It will ensure the patient can eat and chew normally again. Bone loss comes in many shapes and sizes. A “sinus lift” is one of the most common bone graft procedures. The CBCT scan will help determine the location and how much bone you will need.

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