Evolution of Yu-Gi-Oh!


1995 - 2023
Sara Rrapaj
Note by Sara Rrapaj, updated about 1 month ago
Sara Rrapaj
Created by Sara Rrapaj about 1 month ago

Resource summary

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1995: The release of the animated series “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters”, contains 224 episodes and 5 seasons, released March 1995 1996: The Japanese animated series “Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters”, contains 224 episodes and 5 seasons, using United Kingdom English subtitles. 2002: The anime featured the movie “Yu-Gi-Oh! Trouble in London”, released in September 2002 2003: The japanese anime featured the movie “Yu-Gi-Oh! Trouble in London”, using United Kingdom english subtitles, released in June 2003 2015: The release of the parody and comedy series “Yu-Gi-No!”, contains 14,231 episodes and 18 seasons, released March 2015, to its 1995 original Yu-Gi-Oh series. 2021: The animated parody and comedy featured movie “Yu-Gi-No vs. Yu-Gi-Oh!”, released in February 2021.  2022: The animated parody and comedy featured movie “Yu-Gi-No and the Kirby Leaders”, released in March 2022.  2023: The animated parody and comedy featured movie “Yu-Gi-No! In The Cinema”, released in March 2023.  

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