Leptospirosis - created from Mind Map


Note on Leptospirosis - created from Mind Map, created by m.n.palmer on 29/11/2013.
Note by m.n.palmer, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by m.n.palmer almost 11 years ago
Copied to Note by m.n.palmer almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Aetiology aquatic spirochetes hardjo serovar in UK L. pomona or L. icterohermorrhagica Public health risk Pathogenesis Leptospira borgpetersenii - Hardjo Leptospira interrogans - Hardjo serologically indistinguishable severe disease considerably less common flu like symptoms penetration of MM transmission penetration of skin barrier bacteremia for 6-9 days humoral antibodies hematogenous spread renal shedding in 14 days persistent for months contact with contaminated urine abortive products venerial from bulls hardjo NOT carried by wildlife sheep carriers, not clinical pasture can remain infectious for 2 months

Risk Factors open herd shared bulls mixed grazing with sheep shared grazing/water courses between herds or with sheep

Clinical Signs Milk drop generally none in endemic herds Abortion Infertillity sudden drop or stop thick colostrums or blood tinge lethargy and pyrexia ''flabby bag'' 3-12 weeks post infection last trimester weak or premature calves significant economic loss circumstantially indicated improved by vaccine vs endemic immunity

Diagnosis Milk Drop Abortion Herd screening paired serology @3-4 weeks antibiotics interfere leptospires in urine seroconversion microscopy PCR maternal serology USELESS aborted fetus antibodies in fetal fluid fluorescent antibody test test 25% some +ve = probably outbreak in past many +ve = outbreak recently high titres = active invection Enter text here

Treatment Streptomycin oxytetracycline/amoxycillin single i/m dose works for most cases prevents carriers may allow some to remain carriers

Prevention managment adjuvanted vaccines closed herd during acute infeciton endemic infection avoid mixing with sheep avoid shared water courses whole herd antibiotics vaccine program vaccinate heifers before entering herd complete heifer vaccination before breeding vaccines economical? annual boosters to protect herdsmen 2 @ 4 weeks ELISA to check titres prevents urine shedding protects against milk drop and abortion

key points blood tests cannot determine state of infection serology can diagnose acute infection most common source is bought on or borrowed animals clinical disease may only be apparent as acute infection enters the herd vaccines prevent clinical signs and reduce shedding, do not eradicate herdsmen must be protected from infection shared grazing/water source with sheep may cause infection may be carried by sheep but NOT wildlife control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) regulations

oral, GIT, repro

water damage

must be performed ASAP because Bacteria decompose quickly



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