spec points B5


GCSE B5 Note on spec points B5, created by sihall1986 on 09/04/2013.
Note by sihall1986, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sihall1986 over 11 years ago

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1. recall that cells in multicellular organisms can be specialised to do particular jobs 2. recall that groups of specialised cells are called tissues, and groups of tissues form organs 3. recall that a fertilised egg cell (zygote) divides by mitosis to form an embryo 4. recall that in a human embryo up to (and including) the eight cell stage, all the cells are identical (embryonic stem cells) and could produce any type of cell required by the organism 5. understand that after the eight cell stage, most of the embryo cells become specialised and form different types of tissue 6. understand that some cells (adult stem cells) remain unspecialised and can become specialised at a later stage to become many, but not all, types of cell required by the organism 7. understand that in plants, only cells within special regions called meristems are mitotically active 8. understand that the new cells produced from plant meristems are unspecialised and can develop into any kind of plant cell 9. understand that unspecialised plant cells can become specialised to form different types of tissue (including xylem and phloem) within organs (including flowers, leaves, stems and roots) 10. understand that the presence of meristems (as sources of unspecialised cells) allows the production of clones of a plant from cuttings, and that this may be done to reproduce a plant with desirable features 11. understand that a cut stem from a plant can develop roots and then grow into a complete plant which is a clone of the parent, and that rooting can be promoted by the presence of plant hormones (auxins) 12. understand that the growth and development of plants is also affected by the environment, e.g. phototropism 13. understand how phototropism increases the plant’s chance of survival 14. explain phototropism in terms of the effect of light on the distribution of auxin in a

spec points covered in last revision session.....

spec points i need to go over again......2.42.4


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