

Study Guide for Basketball
Note by samantha.burke8, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by samantha.burke8 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

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HISTORY Developed to help condition football players during the winter. Introduced by Dr. James Naismith in 1891. He was PE director at the YMCA College in Springfield, Mass. First played with a soccer-type ball and peach baskets as goals. No limit to number of players on a team or number of balls used during play. (Not uncommon to have 50 players and 4/5 balls used at a time. First official game was played in 1892 when 13 rules were developed. When the rules were published in a YMCA magazine, the game became popular at other Y's, playgrounds, schools, colleges and community centers. Positions were being introduced by 1897; but not until 1899 was the number limited to 5 per team. The first intercollegiate basketball game was in 1896 (Yale vs. Connecticut Wesleyan). Women formulated their own rules in 1899. The rules of basketball are governed by the National Basketball Association and the National Collegiate Athlete Association.

Equipment The court is 94 feet by 50 feet for college teams and 84 feet by 50 feet for high school teams. The backboard at the center of each end of the court is 4 feet high by 6 feet wide. The basket is made of an open hammock net and suspended from the backboard by an 18-inch diameter metal rim. The rim must be 6 inches from the backboard and 10 feet from the ground. The basketball used by men weighs 20 to 22 ounces and has a circumference of 30 inches. The basketball used by women is 18 to 20 ounces and has a circumference of 29 inches. Balls are usually covered with leather, rubber or a synthetic material -- an official ball must be covered by leather.

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