Unit B Notes


Notes on cells and systems
Note by kclintbe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kclintbe almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Common Characteristics of Living Things-Made up of cells-Need energy-Grow and develop-Respond to environment (stimuli)-Reproduce-Have adaptations to the enviromentCells-Cells are the building blocks of life and can preform all functions of life-All organisms are made up of one or more cells-All cells come from other cellsEnergy-Everything an organism does requires energy-Plants get energy from the sun and nutrients from the soil-Animals get energy and nutrients from other plants and animalsGrow and Develop-Growth may involve changing form, getting bigger or repairing damageEx. Every minute of the day we lose and replace 30 000 to 40 000 skin cells off the surface of our skinRespond to Stimuli-A stimulus is a detectable change in the internal or external environment-All living things respond to changes in their environmentReproduce-All living things come from other living things-Reproduction is not necessary for an organism to survive but is necessary for the survival of that type of organismAdaptations-All organisms have adaptations-characteristics that allow it to survive in it's enviroment

Diffusion-Diffusion is the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentrationExample A: At a party a group of 6 friends leave the busy dance floor to go sit down. Other people spread out, moving into that area.Example B: Within a few minutes after opening a bag of microwave popcorn you can smell it from the next room over because the popcorn smell particles are spreading around to other rooms where there aren't as many popcorn smell particles.

Characteristics of Living Things


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