Chapter 2: Atoms - created from Mind Map


Chemistry Note on Chapter 2: Atoms - created from Mind Map, created by helensellers75 on 26/01/2014.
Note by helensellers75, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by helensellers75 over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by helensellers75 over 10 years ago

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Dilution of coloured substances Potassium manganate crystals dissolve in water- purple solution is formed When diluted, colour fades but doesn't dissapear until many dilutions Large number of particles of Potassium Manganate in very small amount of solid. Particles of K Manganate must be very small

Diffusion Particles spreading to fill space Example Takes place in liquids also, but slower

Atoms and molecules Atoms are made up of sub-atomic particles Molecules are made up of 2+ atoms covalently bonded together

Elements, compounds and mixtures Elements Mixture Compounds Iron Filings Sulphur Iron and sulphate Iron Sulphide

Bromine from one flask to another. After 5 minutes, bromine gas has diffused between both flasks. Air and bromine particles are moving randomly and there are large gaps between particles- they can easily mix together

Because liquids are closely packed together and move more slowly than in a gas.

Protons: Charge +1, Mass 1 Electons: -1, Mass 1/1836 Neutron: 0, 1 The only atom with no neutrons is the simplest isotype of H

Noble gas' (He, Neon, Radon etc.) exist as atoms at room temperature and pressure so the atom and molecule are the same. Molecule like noble gas' are called monoatomic molecules. 

Elements have different, individual, chemical properties.

Element,  Grey Powder Attracted to magnet Reacts with HCl to form H gas

Element,  Yellow Powder Not magnetic Does not react with HCl

Mixture Mix of grey and yellow powder Iron attracts, Sulphur doesn't Grey powder forms H gas with HCl. Yellow powder doesn't react

Compound Dark grey solid Not attracted to magnet Reacts with HCl to form Hydrogen Sulfide ( H2S)

Seperation of mixture:Filtration- seperate undissolved solid from a mixture of solid and liquid soloution (sand from sand and water)Evaporation- seperate a dissolved solid from liquid (NaCl from NaCl and Water)Crystallisation- seperate a dissolved solid from a solution when solid is more soluble in hot than cold (CuSO4 from CuSO4 in H20)Fractional distallation- seperate two or more liquids (ethanol and water)Paper Chromotography- seperate substances that have different solubilities in a given solution.

Seperation of compounds:Sometimes heating compound works. Mercury oxide decomposes (breaks down) into mercury and oxygen when heated.2HgO = 2Hg + O2THERMAL DECOMPOSITION!!!Or electricity will decompose it- if an electric current is passed through molten lead bromide, it breaks down to lead and bromide.ELECTROLYSIS!!

Chapter 2: Atoms


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