Key Events of Chapters in Animal Farm


Key events of each chapter
Note by mrstevenwelcome, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by indigo.hols over 9 years ago
Copied by mrstevenwelcome over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Chapter One: Descriptions of all characters (not pigs) Old Major's speech, telling of his dream, passing on his wisdom, which forms the basis of Animalism Introduction of 'Beasts of England', telling of a 'golden future time' Chapter Two: Old Major dies The animals organize a rebellion Descriptions of Pigs Old Majors dream turned into 'Animalism'- many do not understand principles Moses spreads lies about "Sugarcandy mountain" Jones is kicked out All signs of their slavery is destroyed The animals explore the manor house and decided that no one should live there MANOR FARM is changed to ANIMAL FARM The principles of Animalism 'the Seven Commandments' Some milk disappears Chapter Three: The pigs assume leadership Disagreements between Napoleon and Snowball are apparent Commandments reduced to maxim 'Four legs good, two legs bad' Birth of nine puppies Pigs stealing apples and milk Lesser of two evils- if they disagree, the pigs could fail and Jones would return Chapter Four: News of rebellion spreads Mr Pilkington and Mr Fredrick are on bad terms Battle of the Cowshed Boxer and Snowball are rewarded for bravery Chapter Five: Mollie disappears Snowball proposes windmills Snowball's expulsion Boxer's maxim 'Napoleon is always right' Squealer tells that the windmill will be built Chapter Six: Animals work and 60 hour week and sundays The pigs move into the farm house Commandments are amended Windmill is destroyed, Snowball is blamed Chapter Seven: Conditions worsen and animals face starvation Napoleon sells hen's eggs, who rebel Snowball becomes a scapegoat for everything that goes wrong Trial, confessions and deaths of animals Beasts of England is forbidden Chapter Eight: Sixth commandment justifies killing of animals The animals are worse off but Squealer uses statistics to convince them otherwise Wood is sold to Frederick who pays with forged notes Battle of the Windmill Poem composed by Minimus glorifying Napoleon Animals give thanks to Napoleon for every good fortune Chapter Nine: Boxer looks forward to his retirement Young pigs are educated separately Animal farm becomes a republic Moses talks of Sugarcandy Mountain again Boxer falls and is taken away Chapter ten: Animals die but none retire Few of the young animals understand Animalism The farm is rich but the animals are not Napoleon walks on his hind legs carrying a whip 'Four legs good, two legs better' All animals are equal but some are more equal than others

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