The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - created from Mind Map


Note on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - created from Mind Map, created by Mr. Kilgore on 25/02/2014.
Mr. Kilgore
Note by Mr. Kilgore, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Mr. Kilgore
Created by Mr. Kilgore over 10 years ago
Mr. Kilgore
Copied to Note by Mr. Kilgore over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Characters Huckleberry Finn Jim Miss Watson & Widow Douglas 'Pap' Finn The King The Duke of Bridgewater Tom Sawyer The Wilks Family The Grangerfords The Phelps Family Aunt Polly Protagonist 12 years-old Clever Kind-hearted Runaway Slave Owned by Miss Watson Intelligent and practical Selfless W.D.: Provider for Huck Elderly Sisters Deeply religious Alcoholic Illiterate and uneducated Racist Con man 70 years-old Not very bright Exploits others for money About 30 years-old Con man Accomplished printer and actor Huck's friend from Hannibal, MO Poses as his younger brother, Sid, to help Huck Peter Wilks Mary Jane Wilks Joanna Wilks Uncles Dead patriarch Eldest Daughter Beautiful Kind Youngest daughter Doubts Huck, the King, and the Duke "hare-lip" Rev. Harvey Wilks William Wilks Preacher from England The King pretends to be him Deaf and 'dumb' From England Impersonated by the Duke Buck In a feud with the Sheperdsons Wealthy landowners Represent Southern chivalry Sophia Sounds like "Huck" Acts like Huck Killed by the Sheperdsons In love with Harney Sheperdson Older sister Aunt Sally Uncle Silas Only real, functional family in the book Aunt Polly's sister Tom Sawyer's aunt Tom Sawyer's Aunt Sally Phelps' sister Identifies Huck at the Phelps Farm

Setting Mississippi River 1840's Start: Hannibal, MO Destination: Cairo, IL Grangerfords: Kentucky/Tennessee border Phelps Farm: southeastern Arkansas Hannibal is given the fictional name of St. Petersburg Slavery is legal Abolition is a growing 'concern'

Themes Racism and Slavery Intellectual Education and Moral Education Hypocrisy of "Civilized" society Evidenced by the treatment of Jim and other slaves Examine how Huck interacts with Jim VS. how others interact with Jim Formal education limits Huck's development Being away from society, Huck uses experience to make decisions about the world Tom Sawyer contrasts Huck in education. Tom uses books to cause mischief Miss Watson keeps slaves Grangerfords are wealthy landowners The Law allows Pap to take his son and abuse him Sherburn and Boggs However, she declares that she is a good Christian However, they try to kill their neighbors

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

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