human geography


these are my notes
zak ahmed
Note by zak ahmed, updated more than 1 year ago
zak ahmed
Created by zak ahmed about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

what causes climate change

pollution is one of the things that is causing climate change. another is toxic waste, all the chemicals we us get through in the ocean or gets trough on land.

Page 2

food resoureces

In Argentina there is a city that are split into two parts one is called dry Pampas and the other is wet Pampas. dry Pampas has a lot of cows so that means more beef and milk for dry pampas. wet pampas has a lot of crops such as soybeans, corn, and wheat.

Chile is in south America, Chile grows fruit such as apples and grapes and peaches. Chile trades with South Africa, and North Africa. Chile is on the west coast.

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