American Dream


Modern Studies Note on American Dream, created by hannah_8865 on 30/04/2013.
Note by hannah_8865, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannah_8865 over 11 years ago

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Intro  American Dream is idea anyone can achieve success if they work hard enough Perception of success has shifted, once was emotional fulfilment now measured on material items you own It is often argued that not everyone can achieve the American dream, for example 46.2 million in poverty (April 2012)  Background can effect difficulties in achieving American dream

Para 2 - Race Black teenagers are more likely to go to jail than go to college and get a degree.  Blacks make up just 13.6% of population but 41% of prison pop. However, four decades ago there was only 300 Black officials and 3 members of Congress- now there is 9000 black officials Also in 2008 first black american president was elected - President Barak Obama Also before the recession ethnic minorities home ownership was increasing.  30% of black men and 60% of black women now have white collar jobs also Could be argued race does not effect ability to achieve American Dream. Traditionally ethnic minorities are poorer and live in more deprived areas so it could be argued that this is the reason many find it hard to achieve American Dream.

Para 3- Legal Rights Every American citizen has the right to legal representation in the form of legal representation. Even when suspects cannot afford their own representation they will be provided with a state funded one. They also all have the right to be tried in front of a jury This is supposed to dispel inequalities between the rich and poor   HOWEVER white collar crime sentence rates are much lower than any other crime.  Because less likely to recieve sentence as can afford better lawyer. Therefore inequalities do still exist between rich and poor.  Also African Americans are 4 times more likely to be stopped by the police so a slight amount of discrimination is seen here as well. Could attribute to high african american prison pop.

Para 4- Education Poverty cycle...without good education hard to break out of High paying jobs need college degrees University fees make it harder for low income children to achieve american dream. Many end up in low paid jobs Mean inequalities between rich and poor certainly exist here Race also contributes as 14% of black teens will drop out of high school. Meaning harder for them to achieve American Dream

Para 5 - Politics Wealthy White Males All Americans DO technically have the right to stand as candidate and join a political party However campaigns cost a lot of money and many struggle to raise the money Obama disproves race theory and representation for ethnic minorities is growing 

Conc- Inequalities still exist in the American society.  Ethnic minorites and the poor will usually find harder to achieve american dream because of these. Therefore while in theory American dream should be achievable for all it is not and many Americans continue to struggle.

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