Created by hazimah.azhar
almost 11 years ago
seeks to challenge the unfair and unequal distribution of wealth and power in the patriarchal society
patriarchal society is a society dominated by men, where the primary authority figures are males
So feminists seek to challenge the roles and perceptions of women as the media constantly reinforces the ideologies of the patriarchal The mass media plays a crucial role in socialisation in teaching us what our culture finds acceptable
media representations reinforce gender stereotypes
masculinity toughwork-orietatedproviding
these qualities are associated with power. The masculine attributes are linked with influential roles, high status and well-paid jobs. Whereas the stereotypical feminine qualities are associated with lower status and more poorly paid work
The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf- argued that glamourised pictures of women by the media in general are indications of a patriarchal attack on women's bodies-women's bodies and female sexuality have become commodities and this has led to many problems such as eating disorders
The male gaze theory, Laura Mulvey-women understand what it is to be an object of what Mulvey described the 'male gaze'-a partriarchal perspective-constructs reality from a male point of view-the idea is that women are encouraged to see themselves from the eyes of men
Queer theory
offers the view that all identities are social constructions
Judith Butler-key objective is to break the link of categorisation of 'sex' and 'gender' so that all forms of sexual identity can be accepted/celebrated
gender trouble is everywhere, gay and lesbian characters appear in fictional narratives
Marxist theory- states that a small ruling, elite group have control. This group dominate the poorer, less powerful mass (the workforce which is the larger group
His ideas: Everyone is equal Capitalism is an evil and corrupting force The government should protect it's people, not oppress them
IN THE MEDIA...mainstream media contributes to persuading the labour force to accept capitalism as natural and inevitable whilst simultaneously distracting them from complaining about exploitation
in other words....the ideological role of the media is to persuade us that it is in our best interest to accept the dominance of this elite
THE MEDIA play a central role in maintaining class domination they reinforce the dominant social norms and values
Liberal Pluralism
takes a more flexible view arguing that the media is merely responding to the demands of the audienceIN OTHER WORDS...it sees the mass media as having a generally positive and beneficial role
liberal- individual choice and freedom are seen as a crucial human rightpluralist- that democratic societies allow a range of political views and opinions and a range of political parties between which the population chooses in free elections
KEY POINTS the media are completely free to express themselves in any way they see fit the mass media help to ensure that people have a good understanding of the issues when they vote the government has the power to intervene in order to address any problems which might arise from the operation of the free market
we live in societies where there are power structures According to Gramsci's theory of hegemony, these systems of power cannot be maintained by force alone People have to do things, willingly and happily, in their everyday lives that keep the powerful people on top
-traditional, old fashioned representations or ideologies that are selected, constructed and mediated to audiences as common sense
argues that the elite is able to rule because the rest of the population allow it to do so
Queer theory
Liberal Pluralism
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