Case study population change


GCSE Geography (Human environment) Note on Case study population change, created by Chima Power on 18/04/2014.
Chima  Power
Note by Chima Power, updated more than 1 year ago
Chima  Power
Created by Chima Power over 10 years ago

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Physical factors:Relief, climate, water supply, flat lowland areas, temperate climate, usually densely populated and conversely areas with extreme climates are usually sparsley populatedHuman factors:Employment, industry and transport, focus of communication networks lead to high population densities because goods can be easily transported and industry will want to set up in these areas. Transport and trade mean that dense populations can be found at major portsSparse populatedMountains over 2000m over desert pop density of ten people per square kilometre found in west of ChinaMost densely populated areas on the coastal areas and the fertile floodplains of the major rivers found in the east of the countryLarge cities of Beijing and Shanghai do not ge extreme climates and is one reason for their continuedd growth. No large settlement in the arid desert areas or the very wet and cold mountainsHuman factors:Richer areas more industry higher pop densitygood communication links enourage growh of industry and pop Level of economic development decreases from east to west as does the population  1970 chinese governemtn introduced a strategy for coastal economic development led to rapid economic development along th south-east coastal area, which drew in workers, making it mow the most densely populated region based around shanghaiCOCPWhy decreaseIn 1979 had quarter of world pop two thirds of pop under 30 largest cohort born in 1950's and 1960's entering their reproductive yrsEssential to economic reform, improving living standardsIncentivesCash bonusesLonger maternity leavefree educationfree medical care better child carepreferential housing arrangementsDisincentiveLost privelegescould be sacked from jobHeavy inesMonitored by the granny police Presseured to have abortionsUrged to undergo sterilisationRecent changes70% live in rural areas second child is generally allowed after five yrs but usually only applies if first is a girlthird child allowed among some etnic minorities and in remote underpopulated areasExceptions are if first child has disabilities, both parents work high risk work (mining)  or parents from one child family 

The density of population in the UK.Aberddeen high density due to growth of industry based on the North Sea oil deposits which are pipedHighland of Scotland low weather is cold soil infertile and transport links are difficult because of mountainsOld industrial areas of England have maintained high pop density because of well established infrastructureHid density located around the ports of newcastleCentral wales low density cold wet and hilly area of UK also remote so it is difficult to transport goodsSouth Wales has a high density cause of natural resources,coal, iron ore and limestone occur there led to the growth of manufacturing industriescoastal town such as Bournemouth and brighton attract retired folk come here because warmer than other areas in UKSouth East of England based around the capital London magnet for modern industries attracts workers

Stage 2 of DTMBirth rate fell to low of nine per thousand1980's realised if birth rate continued to fall they would not have enough workers and the economy would stop growingIn 1987 introduce the three or more policy gave people incentive to have more children not been very successfulIncentivesCash gift of $3000 for first and second childCash gift of $6000 for third and fourth childSecond to fourth have a savings account called a CDA can save in savings account, where any money saved will be matched by the government, until sixth birthday savings will be matched up to a total $6000 for the second child and $12000 for the third and fourthThree months maternity leave for mothersThree days of paternity leave on the birth of the first four children for fathers Five days of paid childcare leave for a yearMore children parents entitled to upgrade to a bigger flatCouples receive $95 for a maid if they have children under twelvedisincentivesCouples with one or no children can only buy a three room flatWomen with fewer thatn three children are not alowed to be sterilised without undergoing a counselling course




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